What is a buyer’s market?

Some property market analysts are predicting average national home values could fall by 11 per cent in 2019 – and say home values in some suburbs of Melbourne and Sydney...
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Pre-tax time checklist for property investors

Tax time is approaching again! Was that a groan? We understand. If you’re like most property investors, trawling through receipt upon receipt to tally up your allowable deductions is probably not your idea of fun.
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HomeBuilder Grant: What you need to know

If you’re looking to buy your first home, considering your next home or maybe looking to renovate, then you might be interested in learning more about the $25,000 HomeBuilder grant.
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Why property investors love tax time

Don’t you just love getting a tax refund? Whilst nobody enjoys all the paperwork that goes with ling a tax return, getting it right can be rewarding particularly if you’re a property investor.
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Why it’s a good idea to get pre-approval

You may have heard it’s important to get a home loan pre-approval. But why do you need it?
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To Move or Improve? Deciding which option is right for you.

For most of us, it’s easy to form a sentimental attachment to our home. However, there may come a time when we either outgrow the property or would like to make changes.
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